Sunday, November 28, 2004


Tonight the family and I headed over to the Bailey's to check out their new twins. Here we are with Wil and Annabel's new ones, Autumn and Wilson. Wilson was born one minute before Autumn on 10/21/04, about three weeks after me. I'm not sure if my mom and dad can get their heads around what it must take to handle twins. I guess I'm a piece of cake!

Thursday, November 25, 2004

Gobble Gallery

Here are a series of photos all snapped from my first Thanksgiving Day. Football is a tradition in most homes across America on this day... I definitely got passed around like one! And this is just a partial offering of everyone that held me as Dad was sort of asleep at the wheel with the camera.

Grandma Cynthia and I sitting by the fire early on in the day. Wicked chef Grandma is!

Mr. Dan Wildenhaus. AKA Cas, this family uncle rocks!

And here's Joe Wildenhaus. The middle brother. A teacher. What can you teach me teacher?

Baby brother Ben Wildenhaus. Fluent in Spanish. Traveling musician. Shameless moustache wearer.

Sandy Houston. Mother of Ashley Wildenhaus and Mike. Incredibly soft and warm.

Wednesday, November 24, 2004

Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Wildenhaus

My pals Joe and Ashley Wildenhaus stopped by to check me out. I realize the picture is a bit grainy, but that is just how we roll yo!

Sunday, November 21, 2004

Antler Head

This is Papa Jack's idea of fun... He likes to put little pants on my head. He says they look like reindeer antlers. Yeah right. This guy is sick!

Wednesday, November 17, 2004

Bearsuit Rockin'

Here I am chilling out in my bear suit. My parents are completely nutty about this outfit.

Sunday, November 14, 2004

Geoff and Miyuki Ott

These are my mom and dad's beach bum friends from West Seattle. They live in a nice place right on Alki Beach. Geoff and Daddy sort of have the same job... Twiddling knobs and professionally hanging out. Miyuki is a developing fashionista and really tall.

Saturday, November 13, 2004

Just Me Mugging

This cute giraffe onesie is from Chris and Lu. Look at me... I'm looking fairly on-the-go!

Thursday, November 11, 2004

Let There Be Light

You'll often finding me staring into lights; both dim and bright. Here I am pursuing my favorite leisure activity.

Tuesday, November 09, 2004

My New Boyfriend

Our friends Jack and Michelle Crane stopped by to pay us a visit. Isn't Jack CUTE?!!

Saturday, November 06, 2004

Snoqualmie Falls

Here we are at the base of Snoqualmie Falls. Mommy took Daddy and I to the Salish Lodge for the weekend to celebrate Dad's 31st birthday. In the photo you may notice that I'm mesmerized by the sound of the Falls.